[Chart:] Cloud is not just a data center


Here is another chart from Seagate Market Research and Competitive Intelligence. If you read the fine print, the numbers include “All capacity shipped to Consumer Notebook & Desktop, Consumer Electronics & Personal Cloud (Retail).” Personal Cloud (Retail) includes branded direct attach and network attach storage. I don’t know about you, but I found this data to be a bit surprising considering the growth of public, private, and hybrid clouds which in this data would be reflected in the “Commercial” capacity shipped given that enterprise storage is used in these environments.

Then again, consumers have been the main creators and consumers of data for years, and based on this data, they are not moving their capacity in droves to public clouds. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The percentage of storage capacity shipped to consumers over commercial entities is widening.

It makes sense if you consider the top two inhibiters to cloud adoption, at least according to this article on Cloud Tweaks. The top two barriers to widespread adoption past 2012 (no shocker here):

  1. Cost
  2. Security

Storing multiple terabytes of storage in the cloud is cost prohibitive for many consumers and small businesses.  Add to that the fear of your data/content being hacked, stolen, reused, etc. That is just too much for a consumer or small business to wrap their heads around, and perhaps the reason home NAS and small business NAS markets are growing so fast.

The fact that you can get public “cloud-like” features by creating your own personal cloud storage, or small business private cloud storage with the added benefit of peace of mind given your data still resides on your premises, and it’s fully encrypted; I can see this market continuing to boom.

At least until the concerns over cost and security in the public cloud realm are addressed, and believe me, that is already starting to happen, and Seagate will be at the core of all of it. More on this later.

What percentage of your data is in a “cloud?” (Public or Private or Personal)

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  1. […] and simple to use as well.  Personally, I just don’t see this happening anytime soon. Our data shows, that consumers will drive a majority of the available cloud storage capacity for […]

  2. […] [Chart:] Cloud is not just a data center […]

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