Would you give up your privacy to become immortal?

Image source: teenmentalhealth.org

When you combine digital content with social media, what do you get?


Your digital live lives on. How do you want to be remembered, or shall I say, reincarnated?

Check out this little video infographic nugget on what happens to your digital life once you die.  I know pretty morbid, but hey, how do you want to be remembered, much less reincarnated in digital form?

We may be just as important to corporations when we are no longer around. The data that we generate online in the form of posts, likes, tweets, photos, reviews, comments, shares, etc. begins to paint a picture of who we are.  That information is multiplied millions of times over, and all of a sudden, big data analytics creates virtual consumers, their habits and preferences. Such information is then used when predicting market response, catering marketing messages, or even developing new products.

Makes you wonder about all the buzz around data privacy today. Is such privacy afforded to us once we are gone? Do we care? Will there be some type of data donor program? Would you like your personal data released for analysis?

Okay…pretty whacked, but who knows?  Information is the new global currency.

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