Data Has an Interesting Story to Tell – Are You Listening?

Data is an interesting mistress. There are times when I want to feel her gentle touch and reveal her all to me while there are other times I’d like her to give me solitude and let me enjoy my milk and cookies.  But I recently had one of those times where I was sucked into her seductive web and couldn’t break free.

I stumbled upon this article that talks about using census data to see the history of your hometown. It was an interesting hook on something I’ve always thought to be pretty mundane.

Yet as I started surfing through some of the census data sites it mentioned sifting through piles and piles of demographical information, I couldn’t help myself but to keep sifting. I’d enter city after city, some local, some not, to see what the lay of the land looked like. Many of those trails led me to this blog you’re reading right now.

One of those “ah ha” moments I often have working here will be about how mundane and uninteresting data can be on it’s own. Yet in the right hands, it can tell an incredible story – the story of places, the story of people – your story.

The photos you take, the movies you make and the music you listen to are components to your story. These mediums are clues that tell who you are and where you’ve been. They help shape and define who you are.

That’s why it’s so essential to save them – to keep your story available to share with family, friends and future generations. Save your life on a Seagate Backup Plus portable drive today to tell your story tomorrow.


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