Did You Heed the Call…of Duty?

When you have Kobe Bryant and Jimmy Kimmel in your commercial, it’s probably a good indication that the Call of Duty® franchise is a big deal. But don’t take my word for it, take the word of Activision who’s Call of Duty®: Ghosts game which just released this past Tuesday is already reporting day one, worldwide sales of $1 billion.

Let that sink in a moment.
1 billion dollars.
In one day.

If you don’t think that video games are a serious business, you probably should get your head checked.

Ten years and eleven iterations of the game later, Activision has released this spiffy infographic breaking down all the respawns, (basically when you come back “to live” after dying for you non-gamers), years played and number of multiplayer matches since the inception of the series.

Short version – there are a lot of people who play this game. My Xbox® LIVE friends list is full of them.  Did you heed the call?

Check out the infographic below.


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