Don’t Let Data Loss Happen to You

Picture this.

You’re driving down the road and a warning light on your dashboard comes on. What do you immediately feel? Stress? Panic?

Your mind starts racing trying to solve a number of different problems at once – what does the light mean? How far am I from home? Where’s the nearest mechanic? This is probably magnified if you’re driving with small children.

Chances are you feel something similar when something happens to your hard drive.

The panic of potentially lost information.
The anger at the manufacturer for making something that didn’t do what it’s supposed to.
The fear of what it may cost to fix the issue.

These are all valid thoughts and emotions, of course.

But what if I told you that we have a solution for this? A plan where essentially no matter what happens to your drive, we will get back your lost data and make everything right as rain? A resolution that will give you peace of mind – no matter what.

Say “hello” to Seagate Rescue + Replace – now available through Amazon.

Seagate Rescue + Replace covers you for

  • Data Recovery Service
  • Mechanical or Electrical Breakdowns
  • Accidental Damage

Without a Seagate Service Plan, data recovery can start at $599. That’s money better spent on “thank you” gifts for your favorite corporate blogger. *Ahem*

Seagate Rescue + Replace is the perfect service plan to get your data back. It’s your information. Your memories. Your blood, sweat and tears. Protect it.



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