GDC 2013 – Dragon Eternity – More Than Just a Game for Thrones

I love a good role-playing game. A good RPG will draw you into the world and immerse you into an experience that you usually can’t have in the “real world.”

If you’re not familiar with it, I encourage you to check out Dragon Eternity, a game I was able to get a closer look at during the Game Developer’s Conference.

Beautifully drawn and rendered and just released for iPad, Dragon Eternity puts you in the lush yet harsh world of Adan. In the game, you’ll be able to progress your character through quests and battles all for the glory of the Sadar or Vaalor Empire – depending on which side you choose.

Because this is a persistent world, you’ll find many things to do in Adan be it a Narrative Quest to progress the story or a Recurring Quest where you can build up your skills.  You can also own various mounts in Dragon Eternity, which will definitely be a benefit for you during combat.

The world (and lore) of Adan is very rich. Colors are crisp and bright really taking advantage of the power of your tablet.  I was able to easily navigate around from the Port of Sadar to Eldiren’s Farmstead and over to Knossos Canyon quite quickly to smite those who stood against me.  Gameplay controls are easy to pick up and the player management system won’t scare you away as it might in other RPG games.

Another aspect of Dragon Eternity that really hooked me is the aspect of cross-platform play.  Basically this means I can log into my browser to play, and then keep my quest going on the commuter train through my iPad. Android brethren, don’t fret. You’ll get your version soon.

I saw a lot of games during the Game Developer’s Conference, and I probably would have been able to see more had I spent so much time playing Dragon Eternity.  If you’re into RPG’s or are looking for something new to enjoy, this is one game you don’t want to overlook.



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