What Would Mad Men’s Don Draper Do with a GoFlex Satellite?

After a 17-month hiatus (which is one month longer than The Sopranos, by the way) Mad Men returns to television this Sunday. Needless to say, I’m excited. Mad Men has become one of my favorite shows because of its great storytelling, dynamic characters and the reflective look at the 1960’s.  I love period pieces.

If you’ve kept current on the show, you’ll know that lead character Don Draper is a man of mystery (to everyone else but the audience actually) and he keeps some of his darker secrets in a little box that gets found time and again by his (then) wife and colleagues.

This got me thinking that Don Draper is probably in dire need for a GoFlex Satellite. You see, back in the 1960’s, computers cost about 5 million dollars, were primarily used by government agencies (i.e. NASA) and storage maxed out at 5GB. We’ve come a long way since the days of the storage dinosaur since you can now get a 500GB drive that fits in your pocket.

But if Don had a wireless Satellite, his data would have been much more secure and since it’s a portable drive, he could have kept it with him instead of locked up in his desk.  Transfer would have been easier too as it could have just been handed to him by his brother Adam instead of mailed to his office which is what he did in the episode Indian Summer.

Not sure if you caught the news about the Satellite firmware update, but I think the updates would have really come in handy when he took his family and secretary to Disneyland in the episode, Tomorrowland, where everyone can stream HD quality movies or music while traveling.

The update to increase the battery life would also be handy when Don is giving presentations like the one he did for Kodak in The Wheel or for Playtex in Maindenform.

Yes, Don Draper may have a few secrets about his past, but knowing where you came from can have a huge influence to determine where you are going.  And like Don Draper, we know what GoFlex Satellite is today — and can’t wait to share things to come for tomorrow.

Meanwhile, welcome back, Mad Men. You have been missed.  What’s your favorite Mad Men episode? Drop a comment below or on Twitter and Facebook.


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  1. […] last Digital Den talked about how Don Draper would benefit from a GoFlex Satellite. After watching Sunday’s episode of Mad Men entitled A Little Kiss, I was amazed to see how a […]

  2. […] support, or sitting at home waiting for a technician to fix our cable television because the Mad Men premier is on this weekend (I’ve been […]

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