Moment of opportunity coming for cloud storage

Storage demand has been on a quick climb in recent years due to new technology and trends like big data. As capacity rises, however, performance and cost become greater barriers. According to Hewlett Packard Senior Vice President David Scott, these demands will soon outpace the capabilities of much of the hardware businesses currently use. ITBusinessEdge reported that as a result, 2013 may be present critical opportunities for cloud storage companies.

Businesses may need to adopt more innovative approaches to storage management to make the best use of cloud computing, the news source explained. The scalability of cloud technology, for example, makes storage needs unpredictable. As a result, companies will need to build flexibility into their storage management strategies.

According to the news source, Scott warned that businesses will likely face excessive costs without robust storage management systems that can automatically shift assets depending on the performance needed at a given time. Automation is an increasingly critical component of optimizing cloud storage deployments due to the varied needs of different applications.

Growing need for information management
As businesses turn their attention toward optimizing the hardware used to house their valuable data, they should also develop information management frameworks to make better use of the data itself. Particularly as big data's momentum continues, governance frameworks may serve as a critical component of an effective strategy.

"CIOs should expect big data technologies to appear on the product roadmaps of all their information management suppliers, and will need to make architectural decisions accordingly," wrote InformationAge's Pete Swabey. "That may mean recruiting or training staff with the skills to work with non-relational databases and distributed storage architectures."


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