Apple: Please make a MacBook Air for wannabes like me


Conceivably Tech recently posted “Release Of New Macbook Air May Be Imminent” and commented: Considering its premium price of $1500/$1800, the Air’s hardware is not competitive anymore. Common sense suggests that Apple will beupdating the notebook with newer Intel i5 processors and scrap the hard drive option in the entry-level Macbook Air. The basic option is likely to be a 128 GB SSD, while the upgraded model should get at least 256 GB storage space.

Not competitive in terms pf price or features? Adding the Intel i5 processor and an SSD only option may make this product even more niche than it already is, which may be just fine for Apple and their devout fans. The machine looks to get a lot more powerful with these options, but to whose benefit?  If I were looking for performance, I would go for a MacBook Pro. Thin computing becomes less of a determining factor when performance is the key requirement.

I for one am a big fan of Apple…the iPhone, the iPad, the iMac, and look to add a laptop to my Mac arsenal.  I am leaning towards a simple MacBook, but would consider the MacBook Air if it was a more affordable thin computing experience.  I want all of the functionality of a complete system, with greater mobility (lighter, thinner), but for me it needs to be more affordable.

Might I suggest Apple offer a MacBook Air with an i3 processor and a thin hard drive (250GB).  The price is sure to drop (a little), and it would give me a full featured ultra thin laptop, with enough performance. But then again, what do I know. Apple may rather sell me 2 devices (iPad + MacBook) than just the one.

I know this goes against everything Apple, but hey, wishful thinking.


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One Comment

  1. Mark Wojtasiak October 18, 2010 at 9:09 am - Reply

    It looks like there is no way this is gonna happen….

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