Seagate Personal Cloud 2-Bay User Manual
Seagate Personal Cloud 2-Bay 

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Adding and Managing Users

The Personal Cloud 2-Bay owner can add and manage users.

Access your Personal Cloud

Access using a web browser (PC and Mac)

  1. Open a web browser and go to
  2. Log in with your email address and password.
  3. Your NAS OS devices are listed. Click on the Personal Could you would like to access.

Access using Windows or File Explorer (PC only)

  1. Open your Windows or File Explorer.
  2. Under Networds, click PersonalCloud.
  3. Open the Public folder, and then double-click PersonalCloud.
  4. Enter your Personal Cloud username and password.

Access using the Finder (Mac only)

  1. Open a Finder window.
  2. Under Shared, click PersonalCloud.
  3. Click Connect As... .
  4. Select Registered User.
  5. Enter your Personal Cloud username and password.

Open the Users page

  1. Click the Apps icon, and then click on Device Manager.

  1. Click Users.

Add users

As the owner, you can invite people at home and outside of your home network to use your Personal Cloud 2-Bay.

  1. Open the Users page.
      Note: If you want to enable remote access and you haven’t confirmed your Seagate Access account, do so now by clicking Confirm Email.
  2. Click Add user.

    You can add three types of users:
    • Local and remote—A user who has access to your home network and can also have remote access to your Personal Cloud when away from home.
    • Local only—A user who can only access the Personal Cloud at home on the local network. You can give this user remote access later if needed.
    • Remote only—A user who can only access your home Personal Cloud remotely. You can give this user local access later if needed.
  3. Complete the New User form.

    An email with instructions is sent to the new user. Users should check their Spam folder if they have not received their email invitation. The code is valid for 72 hours. The owner can send a new invitation if the code expires.
  Important info: Your Personal Cloud can have a maximum of 10 users.

Manage remote access for an existing user

The owner can manage remote access on a user-by-user basis. Remote access allows users to access content while away from home.
You can also control remote access for all users.

To manage remote access for a specific, existing user:

  1. Open the Users page.
      Note: If you want to enable remote access and you haven’t confirmed your Seagate Access account, do so now by clicking Confirm Email.
  2. Click the dot under Seagate Access to the right of the username.
Seagate Access StatusDescription
Seagate Access is on
The owner has invited a user to create a Seagate Access, but the process is not complete.*
Seagate Access is off

* A yellow dot indicates a pending status. You have invited the user to create a Seagate Access account and the Personal Cloud 2-Bay is waiting for the user to complete the process.

Edit a user

Only the Personal Cloud 2-Bay owner can change a user’s username and email address.

  1. Open the Users page.
  2. Click the item you want to change.
    • Username—Changing the username also changes the user’s private folder name.
    • Password—Changes only the user’s private folder password. The option to change a user's password is not available if the user has a Seagate Access account. The user can change her password by logging in to the Personal Cloud (see Passwords).
    • Email address—The email address is the user’s Seagate Access ID, which is used to remotely access your Personal Cloud.

Delete a user

The Personal Cloud 2-Bay owner can delete all user accounts. Deleting a user account also deletes the user’s private folder and its contents.

If the user has created backup plans through the Backup Manager, the backups are also deleted. For more information, see Backups. Open the Users page

  1. Open the Users page.
  2. Place the cursor to the right of the user's row and click Edit.
  3. Select Delete.