To share an object without granting someone access to your storage account, you can share individual objects with the security and time sensitivity of a pre-signed URL. In Lyve Cloud, console admins can set permissions to allow S3 clients access to data objects. Objects are only accessible by providing access and secret keys to the S3 client. However, objects can be shared with anyone by providing a pre-signed URL allowing temporary access to the object. Pre-signed URLs are time-sensitive and allow any recipient with the URL to download an object. For example, if you store a video recording in a Lyve Cloud bucket, you can share the file by creating a pre-signed URL.
Use the S3 client to request an object in your Lyve Cloud bucket. The following instructions generate a pre-signed URL to share an object for a designated period.
Download a command line tool such as AWS CLI.
Provide S3 Client access to Lyve Cloud bucket(s). For instructions, see Connecting S3 clients.
To create a pre-signed URL:
configure --profile (profile name)
S3 ls --profile (enter profile name) –-endpoint URL
C:\Users\693611>aws s3 ls --profile adr --endpoint https://s3.us-east-1.lyvecloud.seagate.com
2021-06-08 15:12:58 ahtestbucket
S3 presign s3://bucketname/objectfile --profile (profile name) --endpoint URL
C:\Users\693611>aws s3 presign s3://ahtestbucket/certificate.pdf --profile adr --endpoint https://s3.us-east-1.lyvecloud.seagate.com Example
The Pre signed URL Upload python script uses packages from the python library Boto3, which provides an API for AWS infrastructure operations. To configure the API, you must use the AWS software development kit for Python (also known as Boto3). Boto3 provides a python API for AWS infrastructure services. Python is used to create an upload-presigned URL.
Download and install the latest version of Python
You can create and upload the pre-signed URL in two ways:
file to create an upload URL in the command line.python -m pip install boto3
python3 -m install boto3
sudo pip install boto3
python PresignedURLUpload.py
python3 PresignedURLUpload.py
import boto3 import requests import json from botocore.client import Config
access_key = <EXAMPLEACCESSKEY> secret_key = ‘EXAMPLESECRETKEY’ bucket = ‘EXAMPLE BUCKET NUMBER’ object_name_to_upload = ‘Example Object Name’
s3 = boto3.client(‘s3’) session = boto3.session.Session() s3_client = session.client( ‘s3’, endpoint_url = ‘https://s3.us-east-1.lyvecloud.seagate.com’, aws_access_key_id = access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, region_name = ‘us-east-1’, config=Config(signature_version = “s3v4” ))
response = s3_client.generate_presigned_post( Bucket = bucket, Key = object_name_to_upload ExpiresIn = 36000)
files = {‘file’: open(object_name_to_upload, ‘rb’)} r = requests.post(response[‘url’], data = response[‘fields’], files = files)
The script prompts with an access key, secret key, bucket number, and object number to upload, as well as how long you wish for the URL to be active in minutes. Once entered, your object to upload is uploaded to the generated URL. The script generates an output status code for the upload operation.
With pre-signed URLs, you can temporarily access an object in Lyve Cloud. A pre-signed URL is an efficient and effective way to access individual files without giving access to your storage account. You can easily create and share a URL in minutes using S3 clients with Lyve Cloud storage.