Seagate Personal Cloud 2-Bay User Manual
Seagate Personal Cloud 2-Bay 

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Account types

The owner creates one of the following types of accounts for herself and users:

  • Local access only.
    • Log into your Personal Cloud on the home network.
  • Local and remote access.
    • Log into your Personal Cloud on the home network.
    • Log into your Personal Cloud at remote locations using your Seagate Access account. Seagate Access is compatible with Seagate Media.
  • Remote access only.
    • Log into your Personal Cloud from remote locations using a Seagate Access account. Seagate Access is compatible with Seagate Media.

For further information regarding Seagate Access, see the Seagate Access and Personal Cloud Setup.

Changing passwords

Owner password

Account typeAccessChange password
Local access only The owner enters the password to connect to her private folder on the home network. Log into the Personal Cloud and go to Device Manager > Users.
Seagate Access account (local and remote access) The owner enters the password to connect to her private folder on the home network as well as to connect from remote locations. To keep passwords consistent between your Personal Cloud and Seagate Access, click on the Down Arrow icon next to Hello [your username] and select Manage passwords. A pop-up window opens allowing you to change local and remote passwords. It's recommended that you change both at the same time to keep things simple.

User password

The user or the owner can change a user’s password.

Account typeAccessChange password
Local access only The user enters their password to connect to their private folder on the home network. Log into the Personal Cloud and go to Device Manager > Users.
Seagate Access account (local and remote access) The user enters their password to connect to their private folder on the home network, or to remotely log in to the Personal Cloud using a web browser. To keep passwords consistent between your Personal Cloud and Seagate Access, click on the Down Arrow icon next to Hello [your username] and select Manage passwords. A pop-up window opens allowing you to change local and remote passwords. It's recommended that you change both at the same time to keep things simple.
Remote access account only The user enters their password to connect to their private share remotely using a web browser. Log into the Personal Cloud on the home network and go to Device Manager > Users.

Local and remote access

When first creating an account, the password is synchronized between the Personal Cloud and Seagate Access. To keep passwords consistent between the Personal Cloud and Seagate Access, update passwords on the Personal Cloud on the home network as instructed below.


The owner or admin of the Personal Cloud can change their own password, as well as another user's local password.

Note: The owner cannot change the remote access password of a user's remote access account. That user will need to change their own remote access password.

Owner changing their own password

  1. Log into the Personal Cloud.
  2. Click the Down Arrow icon next to Hello [your username].
  3. Select the Manager passwords option.
  4. A pop-up window opens allowing you to change local and remote passwords for the owner's account. It's recommended that you change both at the same time to keep things simple.

Owner changing a local user's password

  1. Log into the Personal Cloud.
  2. Click the Apps icon, and then click on Device Manager.

  1. After the page loads, select Users.
  2. Under the Device password list, select the password of the user you'd like to update.
  3. Enter a new password for the user.

Note: The user will now need to use this new password for accessing the Personal Cloud locally.


  1. Log into the Personal Cloud.
  2. Click the Down Arrow icon next to Hello [your username] and select the Manage passwords option.
  3. A pop-up window opens allowing you to change local and remote passwords. It's recommended that you change both at the same time to keep things simple.

Resetting a forgotten password

The sign-in page for your Personal Cloud includes the option to reset a forgotten password. Resetting the password on the sign-in page only updates the password on your Personal Cloud. It does not update the password for your Seagate Access account. Therefore, your password will not be synchronized between your Personal Cloud and Seagate Access. Review the options below to learn how to manage a forgotten password.

Resetting the password: Personal Cloud

If you cannot recall your password, you have the option to reset it in two applications to maintain consistency:

  • Personal Cloud sign-in page
  • Personal Cloud web app

Reset on the Personal Cloud

  1. Go to the Personal Cloud sign-in page.
  2. Click Forgot password and complete the reset.

Reset your Seagate Access account password with the Personal Cloud web app

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Forgot password link.
  3. Enter the email address associated with your remote access account.
  4. An email will be sent to your email account. Open the message and click the Reset Password link.
  5. Enter your new password and click Reset.
  6. A message appears confirming that your password has been changed.