Unique Modular Chassis
Maximizes drive performance and longevity by protecting against noise, heat and, power irregularities
Maximum Security
Include Seagate Secure self-encyrpting drives and secure file transfer protocol. FIPS 140-3 optional.
Intelligent Architecture
Powerful designed for 99.999% availability and fast read/writes.
Dual Power Supplies
Power is consistent, responsive, redundant, hot-swappable, and noise-free.
CORVAULT Controllers
Dual, high I/O controllers with 4X mini-SAS, and 10/100/1000 Ethernet management.
Hot Swap Serviceability
Hot-swap drives, controleers, power supplies, and fans for uninterrupted performance during service.
Integrated web-based device and data management
Fast deployment and simpified configuration with a built-in management page or CLI.
Drive Reliability
Keeping drives in service, Autonomus Drive Regeneration reduces drive replacements and e-waste.
Data Reliability
ADAPT erasure code data protection streamlines overhead, throughput, management, and recovery.
Self-healing and self-managed storage for enhanced reliability and hands-off performance.