Seagate® Exos® X 混合式儲存陣列是 PB 級別的可擴充式機架區塊儲存系統,具備各種進階資料保護選項,且第 7 代控制器提供了豐富的儲存功能。價值極高的解決方案,適用於需要相容性、超大容量、高效能、低延遲且隨時維持備援能力的應用環境。透過自動分級功能,解放人工智慧的力量,使儲存裝置的最佳化順暢無阻,達到頂峰效能並提升成本效益。歡迎探索靈活的混合式快閃記憶體陣列、全 HDD 陣列和全 SSD 陣列,適合傳統內部部署資料中心,以及雲端基礎架構應用環境。
Seagate 的硬體架構採取完善的備援設計,可提供全天候運作的可用性,包括可熱插拔的雙控制器、備援風扇和電源供應器,以及從控制器到硬碟機的雙資料路徑。
Seagate Exos X 進階資料儲存陣列採用第 7 代控制器架構,從小型企業到大型企業的部署都能享受多樣化的效能。
具備多種磁碟群組保護選項以及 ADAPT 和 ADR,更支援多項資料管理軟體功能,例如虛擬集區、精簡佈建、SSD 讀取快取、加密、自動分層處理、快照和非同步複寫的選擇。
看看客戶在 Gartner® Peer Insightsᵀᴹ 上對 Seagate 的評論
"Seagate has been an essential partner in our overall global storage deployments. Having the ability of scalability and performance is a must in our day-to-day operations."
"This product performs well in our environment, and is the perfect solution for low-cost, low maintenance storage. We were able to seamlessly expand our existing infrastructure at relatively low cost compared with the myriad alternatives that we investigated. This unit provides both flexible hard drive (for a limited budget), and hybrid flash configuration options, offering multi-core processing and fast streaming."
"Extremely scalable design, as we needed storage for our Cloud Services platform it had to offer both reliability & high density to keep our OpEx cost down"
"The hardware is up to scale and provides the perfect base for a cloud service provider. We are also receiving perfect support in technical form and joint marketing."
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