Flix on Stix…how about Flix on Flex?

Check out Wired’s Gadget Lab post: Flix on Stix.

Apparently, there is a company called Flix on Stix, that provides vending machines where you can download movies to a USB thumb drive to take home as watch whenever you want. According to Gadget Lab, “Fees are based on how long you want to keep the movie, costing $1 for 3 days, $2 for 6, $3 for 9 days and $4 for 12 days. Once your time is up, the movie-file will self-destruct. There is also an option to buy.

What would be cool is to download an entire collection, say a TV series you’ve been meaning to catch up on.  Perhaps this is an application for Seagate’s GoFlex hard drives.

Work with me on this one….Visit a “Flix on Flex” kiosk, plug your drive in, select your content, and voila…it’s uploaded to the drive. Take the GoFlex home, plug it into your GoFlex TV, and enjoy.  Better yet, a Flix on Flex website where you select the content from the comfort of your home, download to your Flix on Flex enabled GoFlex drive, and voila.

Of course, there’s the waiting for the movies or TV shows to download. And the fact that you can basically do this by using a service like Netflix.  Queue up movies or TV shows,  and stream them on a number of devices: TV, iPhone, Andriod, tablet, laptop, desktop, etc. No thumb drive, or GoFlex needed.  Just a huge bank of Savvio and Constellation hard drives in the cloud that you don’t even see.

Another business plan foiled by the cloud.


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