Data Storage is on My Mind – What About You?

So it’s probably a bit of a loaded statement to say that data storage is top of mind because of the nature of my business. Maybe if I had gone to clown school like I had originally planned, things would be a little different.

As we draw closer to the end of the year, I’m finding myself fascinated by some of the stats (recent and otherwise) that are highlighting data usage trends, content generation and more.

I stumbled across this infographic that showcases some of the key industries for data storage (no, it’s not adult entertainment) and the comparison from enterprise storage to consumer storage. (Who’s winning?)

Take a gander at the graphic below to see where you’re your data is going…and coming from.



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  1. stop samba masochism December 12, 2012 at 8:45 am - Reply

    power on the mind:

    I want to like Seagate Soho NAS really I do but samba ain’t gonna cut it in our NFS house.

    Must I rely on hacking your devices to install arch Linux to gain NFS ease?!?

    I found occasional mention of NFS in a forum in the Seagate domain

    which led to an interesting idea tracing the author’s other Seagate forum contributions

    but unfortunate Seagate PR policy quashing discussion

    why do Seagate enhanced enclosure products not provide eSataP (yes, the trailing P is intentional)

    eSataP would provide Soho customers the convenience of one port supporting two standards :

    eSataP = eSata + USB3

    What’s the P? “power over esata” go figure.

    eSataP eliminates risk of Sally cramming the wrong cable in the wrong hole…. lesa support costs for Seagate

    win win?

    more storage potential

    will Seagate ever adopt support for third party firmware? nit many people will buy multiple model iterations to “receive firmware upgrades ”

    third party firmware drove Linksys WRT* sales via DD-WRT, OpenWRT, and similar hardcore communities.

    The Sony unamerican mindset, free only to NOT-tinker, “thou shall only use bread in Sony toasters” is less than wise

    And while IP and marketing have their heads in the “cloud” when will Seagate offer cloud agnostic options? (avoid Sony “thinking”)

    It would be nice to mirror files- or directories matching criteria to one or more “cloud” providers of MY DRUTHERS. I’m sure Seagate would prefer a slice of hosting profits — but consumers would prefer lower costs and the freedom to switch providers in a free market

    AND NOT the walled garden variety

    Of great consumer import

    Please provide better product model numbering ON BOX to identify plant origin, date, and components rather than relying on information culled from that one guy’s blog ans those other forum posts to make INFORMED purchase decisions!

    Help us find those using 1 TB/platter technology. Some people are in the “it just works” column whereas others are discerning… nuanced discerning. I am not a unicorn fart power enthusiast [green “renewable energy”]. I prefer to spend less for always on media center components.

    Is the customer always right?

    (I usually am)

  2. volumes and file systems
    seeing a large increase in largeness?
    I would love Seagate to be the FIRST to champion ZFS pools in the home. As home switch backplane bandwidth expands into gigabyte land with less retarded firmware pool members need not be on the same bus.

    ZFS truly was planning for a realistic future.
    ZFS Z3, 8 drive is NOT unrealistic for the home. Thanks inadvertently to Microsoft driving up the minimum ram requirements beyond two dozen gigs volume sales of ram pieces have reduced costs. ZFS is ram hungry in a good way.
    Seagate ZFS
    I have been socially engineering popular association of home NAS with ZFS. Shepherding sheeple away from raid5 and other unwise configurations. “Good news everyone!” in your best farnsworth voice, there is a free implementation option for ZFS NAS for Seagate to bundle if not encourage and support. Hint combine the words NAS & free — in another order.
    unlike a farnsworth announcement ZFS is good news for consumers and Seagate : more quality drives sold and better data life and simplified administration

    as ZFS instances increase so drive sales and potentially customer preferred production plants ultimately lower costs
    another three letter acronym making home life better


    As with PNG, XMPP there is a richness to the ZFS specifications : provide them ALL to allow customer fine grained control. Sure offer “just works” profiles in the GoFlex spirit, but also a “freedom to tinker” mode! All the trimmings will yield Thanksgiving
    Seagate SSD, and hybrid drives are ZFS players too.

    Consider adding a four letter acronym to Seagate support folio : XMPP. If you need another three letter winner : SIP. Either/both will reduce both parties costs and increase convenience. F*book sheeple use xmpp without knowing in much the same way email retains a major role. (No, I don’t do Facebook). 4 letter XCAP. 3 letter OTR. 4 letter sRTP.
    three letter sms is five letter passe. texting via xmpp is truly free and liberating.
    XMPP should have a role in device management as like ICE for SIP it traverses Nat without woe. Provide device stats via XMPP PubSub. Maintain info security with XEP-0016, privacy lists.
    As abandoning dvr for ZFS NAS decreases costs and increases functionality so too abandoning sms for XMPP OTR. XMPP management could allow a parent to delegate ZFS NAS resources to children or monitor watching habits, or allow beyond house media streaming. Using Jingle for session initiation RTP can be used for more than conversation audio: yes video streaming from Seagate ZFS NAS with XMPP management [OTR secured for safe homes ]

    Seagate UltraFlex? Seagate FlexFollow?

    “you don’t have to change to love ; Love changes you”

    my JID expects OTR

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