Send in the Replacements

Since the beginning of the year, there have been a few new shows gracing the airwaves. What’s commonly become known as the “Midseason Replacement” these are TV shows picked up by television networks to give regular programming a break since few stations still order 22-24 episodes a year anymore. (I blame that on the programming genius that is HBO.)

While part of the blame is having recorded some movies I plan to watch eventually, I realized the storage space on my DVR is quickly running out as a result being sucked in to some of these new shows:

The River (ABC) – Mixing what feels like elements from The Blair Witch Project with Lost, this show had me glued fifteen minutes in. Given this show is shot like a documentary, all the various camera angles can be confusing but once you adjust, it really adds to the experience.

Alcatraz (FOX) – In 1963, 302 guards and convicts mysteriously disappeared only to re-appear in present day still looking as they had 50 years ago…and ready to pick up where they left off. While a bit formulaic, the how & why’s of their disappearing act is a mystery I’m ready to sit through and watch.

Smash (NBC) – With shows like The Voice, Glee, and American Idol, it feels like network television has picked up the ball combining music & TV that MTV dropped years ago. Taking place on Broadway, this show centers around a cast working on a musical based on the life of Marilyn Monroe.

Spartacus: Vengeance (Starz) – Picking up where the first series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand left off, this tells the tale of the ancient hero Spartacus and his band of merry men as they continue their gladiator rebellion against Rome. The show is graphically violent, sensual, but with an amazing story.

House of Lies (Showtime) – This is a touching tale about a series of consultants who are amoral, unscrupulous and just a fun bunch to watch. Dialogue is snappy and I love shows that break the fourth wall and talk to the audience. I also love shows that incorporate Alternate Reality Games and create fun websites like this.

Napoleon Dynamite (FOX) – Seven years later, the original cast from the film are back and in cartoon form. What’s not to like?

The midseason schedule usually ranges from January to May so there are still a couple shows that haven’t started yet but I’m anxious about.

Missing (ABC) – The son of a retired, widowed, CIA agent goes missing while studying abroad in Europe. Quite possibly every parent’s nightmare, but with spy stuff, exotic locations and Ashley Judd, this could be a great series.

Touch (FOX) – I’m mildly concerned because Tim Kring brought us Heroes, which had great promise but failed miserably.  The upside is anything with Kiefer Sutherland I’m a fan of. So with a story about him as a father of a mute, 11-year-old boy who only communicates through numbers, I’m fascinated to see how this all works. I will always miss Jack Bauer (and these Jack Bauer facts) but I’m excited to see where this tale takes me.

As you can see, I’ve got a lot of TV to catch up on and there are still more shows I didn’t list! So while I’m getting short on storage space, what shows can’t you live without? Leave a comment below, on Twitter or on Facebook.


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  1. NuyoRiquena February 16, 2012 at 12:20 pm - Reply

    Whoa! This tells me you watch A LOT of tv…

    And since I watch many of the same shows, it means I need some new hobbies as well. =/

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