Storage investments you can justify in 2009


Most companies (and households) are seeing a drop in income,  limited cash, and an uncertain future.  Discretionary spending is frozen for many.  Here are some storage investments that might be worthwhile even in these dire economic times:

  1. Virtualization.  Server virtualization can be a huge cost reduction opportunity.  Storage investments that make virtualization work are worth considering.
  2. Security.  This is one of the few “have to” investments that may not require a direct financial business case.  And it’s sorely needed.  For example, data-at-rest security is woefully lacking in even some security-sensitive markets.
  3. Energy efficiency. Energy-efficient storage systems and servers can have a payback of just a few months.
  4. Home backup. Consider it part of your household insurance budget. For less than $200, you can protect yourself from thousands of dollars in data recovery fees for your irreplaceable personal data.

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