Before You Drive Down Fury Road — Take Your Movies With You!

Take your favorite movies with you with Seagate Wireless Plus

If there’s one thing summer is known for, it’s the blockbuster films released from May to August. It’s the perfect time to hang out with family or friends and gather at the local theater, share some popcorn and kick back to enjoy a good romp. Summer hasn’t even officially begun but we’ve already had incredible releases with Furious 7, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Mad Max: Fury Road.

Yet with so many remakes or sequels still to come, summer is also a great time to catch up on prequels and original releases. But how do you do that when you’re going to be mobile due to vacation plans or out-of-state graduations?

Easy – Seagate Wireless Plus

Terminate boredom with Seagate Wireless PlusWith up to 2TB of capacity, you can load all your favorite movies (as well as soundtracks and wallpapers) onto your external hard drive for a movie marathon anytime or anywhere – whether traveling by land, air or sea.

With a Seagate Wireless Plus, you can stream up to 3 different HD movies to 3 different devices simultaneously with up to 1o hours of battery life. It’s perfectly designed to get you through all of the Jurassic Park films before Jurassic World releases, the Terminator trilogy before Terminator Genisys or the original Poltergeist from the safety of under bedsheets from a hotel.

Seagate Wireless Plus is the ideal solution for movie buffs, photography fanatics, and music enthusiasts of any age who need something easily accessible, portable and durable. Pick up yours today!

Meanwhile, for now enjoy this month’s new Jurassic World trailer / featurette:


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