Did You Get a Flip Cam As a Gift? Want to know how to enjoy it more?

FlipCamAre you one of the millions who received a Flip video camera as a gift over the holidays? If you are, what are you doing with it now? Have you taken a bunch of really great, short video clips with it? I bet you’re looking at them either on the small screen of the camera itself, or maybe on your computer screen.

One of the challenges with these marvelous new products is simple enjoyment. The Flip Cam manufacturers have done a great job of making it simple to take the videos, and to share them via the computer and email. But they don’t give you a simple way of creating a library of all your content, or getting it easily onto your TV.

Seagate has a way for you to build that library, and to enjoy them on your big screen TV, using Seagate FreeAgent Go as the storage device to collect all your new video files on, and then Seagate FreeAgent Theater+ to play all that content back on your big screen television.

Seagate_FA_TheaterPlus leftremoteCopy the videos to your FreeAgent Go portable hard drive. Carry that hard drive to the Theater+ plugged in to your television. And then use the remote control to access and play back all those great video clips that you have shot of friends and family. On the big screen in your family room. In the comfort of your own home.

What could be better than that?

Memories are meant to be shared. Seagate gives you some very easy ways to share them.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.


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  1. Doug LeMesurier February 11, 2010 at 9:58 am - Reply

    How do you get the video from you Flip cam on to the FreeAgent Go portable drive? Do I need a computer or can I move the files directly form my Flip to the drive?

    • Jon Van Bronkhorst February 12, 2010 at 4:13 pm - Reply

      You still need a computer to copy your files over. But on your computer, you should be able to
      open your Flip cam as an external storage device. Then just drag and drop the cam files from the flip to your FreeAgent Go (or any other USB external storage device) and your done. Take that drive and plug it into FreeAgent Theater+ and enjoy!

  2. Night Owl Mama February 12, 2010 at 4:06 pm - Reply

    I have a flip and hate when my brand new lap top crashes and I loose everything. Geek squad has wiped my computer 3 times in the last 6 month. THe seagate looks like it will solve my problems of loosing pictures and video

  3. […] Did You Get a Flip Cam As a Gift? Want to know how to enjoy it … […]

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