Friday just for fun: “break out” the cardboard or linoleum

Break out the 10 x 10 foot slab of scrap cardboard or linoleum and crank up the Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo soundtrack.

This new gem, the IHome’s iP4 takes me way back. Sure, it’s a bit modernized with its matte gray color and straight edges. Not to mention the iPhone docked where the cassette player should be (here’s a solution for that). You can’t help but remember the days of carrying around a 10 pound stereo and another 2 pounds of cassettes in your handy briefcase styled tape holder.  For those of you that can remember, this was mobile music. Sure we had the Sony Walkman, but more often than not, my friends and I would “share” the music by all listening to the “boombox”.

Seriously dating myself here, but there was a time when music was meant to be cranked loud for everyone to enjoy (or some hate). What happended to those days? Today, we see millions of people walking around with buds in their ears, listening to music. Music meant to keep to themselves?  Plus, you’d look like a fool if you dropped your scrap of cardboard on some street corner, plugged in your ear buds, and started breakin’ in complete silence to the rest of us.  I guess the definition of music sharing has taken on a whole new meaning over the past 20 years.

Just some Friday Just for Fun trip down memory lane.

What’s your favorite boombox memory?



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  1. wolfkin November 11, 2011 at 12:06 pm - Reply

    dubbing. definitely dubbing music from one cassette player to the other. I remember when we got one of “cool newer models” that had a specific dubbing feature which means when you hit the button the tapes would spin a double speed. You could copy a cassette in half the time.

    Plus it was one of those models that let you hit the button anytime so we would play around with recordings like recording the radio at double speed or playback a double speed. Good times.

    • Mark Wojtasiak November 14, 2011 at 6:49 am - Reply

      @wolfkin “dubbing” – beautiful. I remember those days as well. I just found my old mix tapes in the basement!

  2. […] must be feeling nostaligic when it comes to music lately. I have posted on it here and here.  But this animated infographic paints a pretty cool picture of the evolution of how we […]

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