Does iCloud force unwanted “storage management”

“Your iCloud storage is almost full”

That’s the message received by one user that was forwarded to (check it out).

The kicker, according to the MacRumors post is that once you outgrow the 5GB provided, you no longer will receive emails to your .me account.  The message prompts the user to either free up space by deleting content, or buy more Apple iCloud storage space. It even suggests the user can also buy more local storage…which is nice.

The fact of the matter is that 5GB does not go very far in this day and age. In fact, one might think that the more storage space you have, the more storage management you have to do; when in all actuality, in this case, the less storage space you have, the more management you need to do.  The last thing I want to do is to manage another layer of storage beyond where I choose to store my content locally.

If I’m a tablet user or smartphone user, and I want access to my content no matter where I am…I’d be thinking a lot harder about Seagate GoFlex Satellite. Granted, I don’t have the content sync capabilities of Apple’s iCloud, but as long as I can manage all of my digital content on the 500GB drive, why would I need to sync?

But, that’s just me.

What’s your take?

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  1. Sat Khalsa June 29, 2011 at 8:43 am - Reply

    It’s an interesting trend as well where more and more things are moving to the cloud while ISP’s and wireless providers are pushing for more and more data caps. So without even taking into account things like bad network connectivity or throttled data speeds it will eventually become too expensive to store everything on the cloud.

  2. Sat Khalsa June 29, 2011 at 8:44 am - Reply

    For instance, Verizon is killing their unlimited data plan soon.

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