The Wonderful World of Pixar

I don’t know about you, but I’m a huge fan of Pixar Animation Studios. While I have not “loved” all of their films, I have definitely enjoyed them and naturally have some favorites. I love that they can take a simple concepts such as a acceptance (Toy Story) or Friendship (Cars) or even more abstract concepts such as adapting to change (The Incredibles) and turn them into movies that anyone can enjoy and extract different lessons from. As I watched the trailer for their upcoming film, Brave, I found myself a little giddy with excitement.

I also love looking at how their animation style has developed over the years. While obviously different films, the designs and effects you see in the first Toy Story to me pale in comparison to how visually stunning Brave looks to be.

As you can see from the infographic below, Pixar has had some amazing accomplishments in the world of entertainment including 3 GRAMMYS, 6 Golden Globes and 24 Academy Awards.

As the demands for quality grew within Pixar, I’d imagine their storage needs grew as well. As their company size increased, so did their server needs, systems, tools and their technologies. Who knows what kind of hard drives Bud Luckey had in his system as he started his initial designs for the famous cowboy, Woody? But whatever it was, I’m glad he saved often and completed his work for the rest of the world to enjoy.

What’s your favorite Pixar film? Leave a comment below, on our Facebook page or even our Twitter.



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