Why You Need Seagate Rescue & Replace?

I will have to try and not be cheeky as I write this because the question of why you need a Seagate Rescue & Replace plan seems obvious to me.

But let’s break it down. Hard drives are amazingly reliable — a statistically tiny 1% of drives fail outright (perfection would be nice, but after all, they’re about the most complicated microscopic machines you’ll ever use). Other drives fail because they’ve been dropped or had other accidents. So the creation of this program isn’t a result of faulty hardware or poor manufacturing, nor is it intended as a warning.  Instead, look at as a safety net.

You see, you wouldn’t buy a wide screen TV, or a new car or even a new computer without some type of warranty, would you? Televisions can be replaced, computers and cars repaired — and of course a hard drive can be replaced through the normal warranty process. But photos of your family, or work documents – or things that are once-in-a-lifetime memories, no, those can’t be replaced.

Let me share this story. As a parent, I have a ton of photos of my son over the years. A digital archive of his life has become very important to me as a single parent. I was recently doing some browsing and organizing and realized, I am missing a file where I recorded the first time he started giggling.  I’ve looked through various computers, and hard drives, but I can’t find it anywhere and I’ve started to give up hope.

Now this is just plain negligence on my part. I should have organized better, I should have made backup copies on separate drives or the cloud, I should have done a lot of things. But I have to face the fact it’s probably gone.

Imagine a similar situation but instead of negligence, it’s due to a drive failure. You’re mad, you’re cursing the manufacturer, you’re insulting their families on all of your social networks, but then you realize you are a wise and cautious individual who purchased the Seagate Rescue & Replace plan.

And you exhale. Because your data is safe. Your content is safe.  No matter what happens to your drive.

Your memories are precious the moment you make them. Your drive is special the moment you use it. Take care of it. Take care of your content. Buy a Seagate Rescue & Replace plan and then exhale. We got you covered, no matter what happens to your drive.



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