Xbox 360 Enables External USB Storage

xbox with storage

Earlier this week, Microsoft released it’s latest software update for the Xbox 360 that enables the use of USB storage. Now customers have a choice other than buying a proprietary Xbox HDD (Now available up to 250GB!). This sounds pretty cool until you realize they are restricting each port to 16GB! They do allow users to use two devices at a time so you can achieve 32GB of flash based space for game play. I say flash based because while a USB hard drive will also work, the system will only recognize the first 16GB of the device. Try finding a 16GB hard drive out there. Wait! There is a way to make good use of your Seagate FreeAgent Go drive on the Xbox….

IT World’s “The TechnoFile” did a very good review of the new functionality here: In this article, the author mentions that you can create additional partitions on your Xbox USB drive that can be accessed by the game console for music and video. If this is the case then, a bigger drive with a 16GB game play partition and some much larger multi-media partitions would make a lot of sense.  I think I’ll try this. After all, the Xbox makes a pretty good platform for movie watching and music as well as being a rocking game console.


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